
Hi there! I’m Drewprops - a creative consultant for feature films, television series, corporate clients, publishers & space pirates, and this is my online portfolio ;)

No Witness Newspaper Economic Impact Bar Chart Rolling Gorilla Cage Hula-Hula PiratePalooza Shirt Microphone Cube Wraps

Books, websites, hand drawn sketches, technical diagrams, animated videos, product labels, logos, vehicle graphics, magazine articles, speaking engagements, science fiction conventions, pubcrawls, t-shirts, animations, etc., etc. – let’s make neat stuff!

I can concentrate on one piece of your puzzle or I can help you put all the pieces together. I’m flexible, conscientious, and I like to think that I’m professional. I have a great network of talented colleagues and I like to please my clients, which means that I’ll let you know if I think I’m not the right person for your job and hopefully have recommendations for people you should consider. I hope that you’ll enjoy looking around the website. Thanks for stopping by!

Sample Projects

Redheaded Bastard Prop Children

This is an article that I wrote for Oz Magazine, published by Gary and Tia Powell of Oz Publishing. The artwork was provided by Oz Magazine. Trained as an architect then thrown beside camera on movie sets as a prop guy, it took me the better part of a decade to resolve the dichotomy of that department’s place - caught between the art... See more...

Congress for New Urbanism Announcement

The Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) was holding a pre-Congress event in Atlanta and wanted to send out a fun invitation via email. As a non-profit stocked full of design professionals and design enthusiasts, it came as no surprise that there would be a lot of input for this email graphic. A final design was selected after 4 weeks of... See more...

GospelFest Handbill

It’s been so long since I made this single sheet I can’t remember if it was supposed to be a hero prop or not, meaning I that don’t know whether it was to be featured in an insert on-camera. Looking at it now I think that I probably designed it to look “gospel-ish” from a distance, with no time spent seeing it in detail, which is so often the... See more...

George Washington Float Controls

I created this for the movie Dumb & Dumberer, a prequel to the film starring Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels. Toward the end of the movie the boys have converted a parade float of George Washington into a tribute to their high school Principal, played by Eugene Levy. Unfortunately, they’ve also (bizarrely) shifted into a pirate theme due to one of the boys’ relationship with... See more...

Rolling Gorilla Cage

The opening sequence for the prequel Dumb & Dumberer introduced the characters Harry & Lloyd as they grew up. At one point the character of Lloyd (as a baby) is put into a circus-style rolling cage containing a gorilla. The show’s original Production Designer, Cecilia Montiel, had gone to Paramount’s library and done research for circus rolling stock and so I... See more...

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Brookwood Group


Kittyboy Creations

Trylon Architects

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