
Hi there! I’m Drewprops - a creative consultant for feature films, television series, corporate clients, publishers & space pirates, and this is my online portfolio ;)

Economic Impact Bar Chart George Washington Parade Float Odd Life of Timothy Green Sketchbooks Nike Gear Hula-Hula PiratePalooza Shirt

Books, websites, hand drawn sketches, technical diagrams, animated videos, product labels, logos, vehicle graphics, magazine articles, speaking engagements, science fiction conventions, pubcrawls, t-shirts, animations, etc., etc. – let’s make neat stuff!

I can concentrate on one piece of your puzzle or I can help you put all the pieces together. I’m flexible, conscientious, and I like to think that I’m professional. I have a great network of talented colleagues and I like to please my clients, which means that I’ll let you know if I think I’m not the right person for your job and hopefully have recommendations for people you should consider. I hope that you’ll enjoy looking around the website. Thanks for stopping by!

Sample Projects

Give Me the Barrel!

This is an article that I wrote for Oz Magazine, published by Gary and Tia Powell of Oz Publishing. I also created the artwork and layout for this article. In this issue I dusted off a story from one of my blog entries from several years ago about the time that I learned the importance of communication on film sets. Here’s an... See more...

Redheaded Bastard Prop Children

This is an article that I wrote for Oz Magazine, published by Gary and Tia Powell of Oz Publishing. The artwork was provided by Oz Magazine. Trained as an architect then thrown beside camera on movie sets as a prop guy, it took me the better part of a decade to resolve the dichotomy of that department’s place - caught between the art... See more...

The PiratePalooza™ Star Skull Sigil

I’ve created plenty of logos over the years, for use in the real world and in movies, but this is the first sigil that I’d ever been asked to create. Captain Drew’s sigil remains particularly special among the things I’ve designed because it captures so many elements of his personality and history, and because so many people tend to identify with it. While it’s... See more...

MacArthur’s Menu

This is a prop menu that I created for the film “The Preacher’s Kid”. Unless a prop is scripted to be shown in an insert it doesn’t really need to have much detail. Still, having spent the first decade of my career working with actors beside camera I know that many of them appreciate a bit of “cinematic immersion”, a means of making the film’s fictional... See more...

Safety in Stakebeds

Tia Powell initially approached me about writing for Oz Magazine’s online edition Ozcetera and my first article entitled “Safety in Stakebeds” appeared in March of 2011. I wrote this article to introduce the uninitiated to the vital role that stakebed trucks play in the motion picture industry. The artwork was provided by Oz Magazine. Here’s an... See more...

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Plexus Pictures


Trylon Architects

Oz Magazine

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