
Hi there! I’m Drewprops - a creative consultant for feature films, television series, corporate clients, publishers & space pirates, and this is my online portfolio ;)

The PiratePalooza™ Star Skull Sigil Footloose T-shirt Multi-Track Cost Estimating Menopause Board Game No Witness Newspaper

Books, websites, hand drawn sketches, technical diagrams, animated videos, product labels, logos, vehicle graphics, magazine articles, speaking engagements, science fiction conventions, pubcrawls, t-shirts, animations, etc., etc. – let’s make neat stuff!

I can concentrate on one piece of your puzzle or I can help you put all the pieces together. I’m flexible, conscientious, and I like to think that I’m professional. I have a great network of talented colleagues and I like to please my clients, which means that I’ll let you know if I think I’m not the right person for your job and hopefully have recommendations for people you should consider. I hope that you’ll enjoy looking around the website. Thanks for stopping by!

Sample Projects

Children's Coloring Book

Propmaster Shawn Gray introduced me to Production Designer Patrice Vermette for the production of three very different hero books for this disturbing feature release starring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. With 3 books due on an already tight schedule I realized that it would be foolish of me to try to accomplish all three on my own so Icontacted my friend Craig Gilmore, a talented... See more...

GospelFest Handbill

It’s been so long since I made this single sheet I can’t remember if it was supposed to be a hero prop or not, meaning I that don’t know whether it was to be featured in an insert on-camera. Looking at it now I think that I probably designed it to look “gospel-ish” from a distance, with no time spent seeing it in detail, which is so often the... See more...

Brookwood Group Website

I created this website after taking over as director of marketing graphics for Brookwood Group in 2004. Brookwood is a company that provides a range of professional services to the owners/buyers of building construction, from strategic advisory services for companies like Salesforce.com to large housing expansions for university systems like Cal Poly. The company changed its focus in the early... See more...

Living is Winning Sales Materials

Linda Burns of Plexus Pictures has involved me several times with the marketing for a documentary she produced about Andrew Johnston, an Ironman triathlete who continued competing in spite of being diagnosed with Leukemia. There’s been nothing particularly special about the layouts for the festival sales sheets and materials we’ve prepared, but they’re pretty solid and... See more...

The Official rPlank™ User's Guidebook.

In 2011 I helped the famous space pirate Captain Drew to write and publish an instructional guidebook for the owners of his rPlank™ device. I handled the writing and illustration and was thankful that my friend David Stuart (an editorial photographer) provided photography. The copy was composed in Word, the book was laid out in Adobe InDesign in such a way that I was able to output both a... See more...

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Kittyboy Creations


Trylon Architects


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