
Hi there! I’m Drewprops - a creative consultant for feature films, television series, corporate clients, publishers & space pirates, and this is my online portfolio ;)

Film Georgia License Plates Multi-Track Cost Estimating Nike Gear Word Genius Board Game Rolling Gorilla Cage

Books, websites, hand drawn sketches, technical diagrams, animated videos, product labels, logos, vehicle graphics, magazine articles, speaking engagements, science fiction conventions, pubcrawls, t-shirts, animations, etc., etc. – let’s make neat stuff!

I can concentrate on one piece of your puzzle or I can help you put all the pieces together. I’m flexible, conscientious, and I like to think that I’m professional. I have a great network of talented colleagues and I like to please my clients, which means that I’ll let you know if I think I’m not the right person for your job and hopefully have recommendations for people you should consider. I hope that you’ll enjoy looking around the website. Thanks for stopping by!

Sample Projects

Drowning Pirate T-Shirt

Captain Drew phoned me up and said that he had “an amazing idea for the best PiratePalooza shirt the world has ever seen” and asked me to meet him at the Krispy Kreme on Ponce. By the time I got there he’d already been involved in some sort of fracas with the manager over the definition of “hot & fresh”, and the police were loading him into the drunk wagon. As they... See more...

Animated video for Fortune 500 Company

Lynn Lamousin of Kittyboy Creations hired me again to provide a new 2-minute animated video for the same Fortune 500 client. This time around the script included a cartoon businesswoman as narrator, which meant that I had to adapt the approved stock figure artwork for animation and pair it with the narration. Due to a confidentiality agreement I can’t post this video... See more...

Tape Escapes Logo

In the 1990s my friend B.B. Cherry developed a rather large Internet following devoted to her imaginatively clever fan faction spin-off of the Highlander television series. As a fan of books-on-tape, B.B. had been toying with the idea of recording her own books on tape for a few years so when she finally founded her business “Tape Escapes” we experimented with imagery... See more...

The rPlank™ Commercial

The rPlank is a satirical take on Apple’s staggeringly popular tablet computer, the iPad. Their histories and capabilities are eerily similar. Take a look! In the spring of 2010 Steven P. Jobs unveiled the iPad tablet computer to the world. Within a month Captain... See more...

Vampire Diaries Sketchbook (page 3)

In 2009 the television series “The Vampire Diaries” set up stages near Atlanta and began shooting what would soon become the number one show on the CW Network. During the first season of the show I was asked to provide some pen and ink illustrations for the episode called “The Turning Point”. The journal was supposed to have belonged to a vampire hunter and the propmaster... See more...

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Bridging Institute

Brookwood Group

Trylon Architects

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