Web Design Projects (tip: you can use your arrow keys to move through projects)
While I rarely accept “real world” web design projects (as they tend to be unprofitable), I do create them for motion pictures.
Brookwood Group Website
I created this website after taking over as director of marketing graphics for Brookwood Group in 2004. Brookwood is a company that provides a range of professional services to the owners/buyers of building construction, from strategic advisory services for companies like Salesforce.com to large housing expansions for university systems like Cal Poly.
The company changed its focus in the early days of my tenure and it became quickly apparent that the simple HTML website that I’d inherited was becoming increasingly irrelevant. By 2006 I’d taken the initiative to create a beta design for a new PHP-driven site, which I floated to the company leadership. The new design was approved and all subsequent incarnations of the website have continued to use the foundation established by that beta website.
Web Design
Hand coded website
Coda, CSSEdit, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
External Site(s)
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
Meet me in the Cloud
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