Web Design Projects (tip: you can use your arrow keys to move through projects)
While I rarely accept “real world” web design projects (as they tend to be unprofitable), I do create them for motion pictures.
PiratePalooza.com Website
My only persistently “bad” client is a space pirate named Captain Drew, who insisted that I help him with the redesign of his personal website. The Captain wanted something “different and new” and something to “show off how cool I really am so the wenches will dig me the most”, which are more or less the very same goals of any website owner.
Realizing that this client wanted the ultimate “me Me ME” website I set up a series of meetings with him to discuss the things that mattered most to him. It took awhile to distill that information into a logical structure, but we managed to determine that he wanted a dedicated page for his now-legendary annual pubcrawl/concert, a page for his new career as an author, a page for his clothing line, a page for the sponsors who enable him to operate, and a page devoted entirely to himself.
Very few designers can say that they’ve had pirates for clients; the frustrations of this project are easily outweighed by the bragging rights. You really ought to go look at this website.
Web Design
Hand coded website
Coda, CSSEdit, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
External Site(s)
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 U
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